
TO OUR VALUED GUESTS – COVID-19 Preparedness and Response PlanCOVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan June 25, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has created the risk of COVID-19 exposure in food-selling establishments and pharmacies. Given the need to protect employees and the public from exposure to COVID-19, Harding’s is taking the following steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure and disease transmission.
- Preparedness and Response Plan: This plan will be published at and will be available at the service counter for employees and customers
- Worksite Supervisors: Harding’s will have a dedicated worksite supervisor to implement, monitor and report on our COVID-19 control strategies
- COVID-19 Training: Harding’s will provide training to all employees that covers:
- Workplace infection-control practices, including information on vaccinations available for COVID-19
- The proper use of personal protective equipment
- Steps to report symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19
- How to report unsafe working conditions
- Exposure Reduction: Harding’s has implemented strategies to reduce COVID-19 exposure for our customers and employees (see Best Practices for Food Establishments from MDARD), including:
- Access to handwashing facilities, including those available in public restrooms
- Providing non-medical grade face coverings to employees
- Recommending face coverings be worn when non vaccinated employees cannot consistently maintain six feet of separation from other individuals in the store (face coverings may be temporarily required if a known positive case has been identified in the workplace)
- Using best efforts to provide employees and customers access to an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, as recommended by the CDC
- Using best efforts to provide disinfecting wipes at cash register and entrance point for customers to disinfect carts and baskets, as well as at other appropriate locations
- Ensuring that employees remain at least six feet apart to the maximum extent possible
- Increasing cleaning according to CDC guidelines using EPA approved disinfectants effective against the COVID-19 virus
- Directing employees to promptly report any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before or during the work shift
- Prohibiting employees who are sick from reporting to work and sending employees home if they display symptoms of COVID-19
- Daily screening for all staff prior to reporting to workstations (see Employee Screening Form)
- Employees must answer the following questions:
- Do you have any of the following symptoms?
- Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher
- Cough (excluding chronic cough due to a known medical reason other than COVID-19)
- Shortness of breath
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea (excluding diarrhea due to a known medical reason other than COVID-19)
- Have you had close contact in the last 10 days with someone with a diagnosis or primary symptoms of COVID-19?
- Do you have any of the following symptoms?
- Employees must answer the following questions:
- Any affirmative response to screening question (1)(A) above requires the individual to be excluded:
- For at least 24 hours with no fever (without use of medicine that reduces fever) and other symptoms have improved (for example, when cough and shortness of breath have improved) and a negative COVID-19 test has been attained or at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- An employee who provides an affirmative response to screening question (1)(B) may not report to work until 1 of the following conditions is met:
- The employee is fully vaccinated.
- The employee tested positive for COVID-19 in the last three months
- Ten days have passed since the employee last had close contact with the individual.
- The individual with whom the employee had close contact receives a medical determination that they did not have COVID-19 at the time of the close contact with the employee.
- COVID-19 Positive Test:
- If an employee is identified with a confirmed case of COVID-19:
- Within 24 hours, notify any co-workers, contractors, or suppliers who may have come into contact with the employee
- Allow employee to return to the workplace only after they are no longer infectious according to the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”)
- Record Keeping: Records should be kept for 6 months on the following items:
- Employee Health Screening
- Employee Vaccination Information
- Required Notifications
- If an employee is identified with a confirmed case of COVID-19:
May 28, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has created the risk of COVID-19 exposure in food-selling establishments and pharmacies. Given the need to protect employees and the public from exposure to COVID-19, Harding’s is taking the following steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure and disease transmission.
- Preparedness and Response Plan: This plan will be published at and will be available at the service counter for employees and customers
- Worksite Supervisors: Harding’s will have a dedicated worksite supervisor to implement, monitor and report on our COVID-19 control strategies
- COVID-19 Training: Harding’s will provide training to all employees that covers:
- Workplace infection-control practices, including information on vaccinations available for COVID-19
- The proper use of personal protective equipment
- Steps to report symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19
- How to report unsafe working conditions
- Face Coverings: Any individual who enters Harding’s must wear a covering over his or her nose and mouth unless they are fully vaccinated, are medically unable to do so, or are under 2 years of age
- Exposure Reduction: Harding’s has implemented strategies to reduce COVID-19 exposure for our customers and employees (see Best Practices for Food Establishments from MDARD), including:
- Posting signs at store entrance(s) instructing customers of their legal obligation to wear a face covering when inside the store (See Retail Front Door Signage)
- Access to handwashing facilities, including those available in public restrooms
- Providing non-medical grade face coverings to employees
- Requiring face coverings to be worn when non vaccinated employees cannot consistently maintain six feet of separation from other individuals in the store
- Using best efforts to provide employees and customers access to an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, as recommended by the CDC
- Using best efforts to provide disinfecting wipes at cash register and entrance point for customers to disinfect carts and baskets, as well as at other appropriate locations
- Ensuring that employees remain at least six feet apart to the maximum extent possible. Increasing cleaning according to CDC guidelines using EPA approved disinfectants effective against the COVID-19 virus
- Directing employees to promptly report any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before or during the work shift
- Prohibiting employees who are sick from reporting to work and sending employees home if they display symptoms of COVID-19
- Daily screening for all staff prior to reporting to workstations (see Employee Screening Form)
- Employees must answer the following questions:
- Do you have any of the following symptoms?
- Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher
- Cough (excluding chronic cough due to a known medical reason other than COVID-19)
- Do you have any of the following symptoms?
- Employees must answer the following questions:
- Shortness of breath
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea (excluding diarrhea due to a known medical reason other than COVID-19)
- Have you had close contact in the last 10 days with someone with a diagnosis or primary symptoms of COVID-19?
- Any affirmative response to screening question (1)(A) above requires the individual to be excluded:
- For at least 24 hours with no fever (without use of medicine that reduces fever) and other symptoms have improved (for example, when cough and shortness of breath have improved) and a negative COVID-19 test has been attained or at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- An employee who provides an affirmative response to screening question (1)(B) may not report to work until 1 of the following conditions is met:
- The employee is fully vaccinated.
- The employee tested positive for COVID-19 in the last three months
- Ten days have passed since the employee last had close contact with the individual.
- The individual with whom the employee had close contact receives a medical determination that they did not have COVID-19 at the time of the close contact with the employee.
- COVID-19 Positive Test:
- If an employee is identified with a confirmed case of COVID-19:
- Within 24 hours, notify any co-workers, contractors, or suppliers who may have come into contact with the employee
- Allow employee to return to the workplace only after they are no longer infectious according to the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”)
- Record Keeping: Records should be kept for 6 months on the following items:
- Employee Health Screening
- Employee Vaccination Information
- Required Notifications
- If an employee is identified with a confirmed case of COVID-19:
May 21, 2021 In accordance with CDC and MDHHS Guidelines, customers must wear a face mask to enter our stores unless you are 1) fully vaccinated; 2) Younger than 2 years old, or; 3) Cannot medically tolerate a face mask. Our employees will continue to wear face masks if they are not fully vaccinated. We thank you for your continued support. October 6, 2020 For the safety of our employees, our customers, and the community, we are following the Director of the Department of Health and Human Service’s Emergency Order, which requires that customers social distance and wear a face covering when entering and shopping our stores. We thank you for your continued support. July 13, 2020 In accordance with Executive Order 2020-147, Harding’s guests will be required to wear face coverings when entering and shopping our stores. “To protect workers, shoppers, and the community, no business that is open to the public may provide service to a customer or allow a customer to enter its premises, unless the customer is wearing a face covering as required by this order.” – Executive Order 2020-147 June 1, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has created the risk of COVID-19 exposure in food-selling establishments and pharmacies. Given the need to protect employees and the public from exposure to COVID-19, Harding’s is taking the following steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure and disease transmission.
- Preparedness and Response Plan: This plan will be published at and will be available at the service counter for employees and customers
- Worksite Supervisors: During all hours of operation Harding’s will have a dedicated worksite supervisor to implement, monitor and report on our COVID-19 control strategies
- COVID-19 Training: Harding’s will provide training to all employees that covers:
- Workplace infection-control practices
- The proper use of personal protective equipment
- Steps to report symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19
- How to report unsafe working conditions
- Appropriate cleaning procedures
- Managing symptomatic customers
- Face Coverings: Any individual who enters Harding’s and is able to medically tolerate a face covering must wear a covering over his or her nose and mouth, such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana, or handkerchief
- Dedicated Shopping Hours: Harding’s has designated Wednesday and Thursday from 8am to 10am as shopping time for people over 60, pregnant people, and those with chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease
- Exposure Reduction: Harding’s has implemented strategies to reduce COVID-19 exposure for our customers and employees , including:
- Posting signs at store entrance(s) instructing customers of their legal obligation to wear a face covering when inside the store
- Posting signs at store entrance(s) informing customers not to enter if they are or have recently been sick
- Installing plexiglass barriers at checkouts and other areas that require interaction
- Limiting staffing to the minimum number necessary to operate
- Access to handwashing facilities, including those available in public restrooms
- Providing non-medical grade face coverings to employees
- Requiring face coverings to be worn when employees cannot consistently maintain six feet of separation from other individuals in the store
- Allowing employees sufficient break time to wash hands as needed
- Using best efforts to ensure checkout employees disinfect their hands between orders to prevent cross-contamination
- Using best efforts to provide employees and customers access to an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, as recommended by the CDC
- Using best efforts to provide disinfecting wipes at cash register and entrance point for customers to disinfect carts and baskets, as well as at other appropriate locations
- Ensuring that both employees and customers remain at least six feet apart to the maximum extent possible, including during employee breaks using:
- POS to encourage social distancing
- Marked queues for store entrances and check lanes in 6’ increments
- Counts during peak hours to ensure occupancy limits are maintained
- Closing all self-serve prepared food stations such as salad bars and donut cases
- Eliminating free samples and tasting stations
- Cleaning according to CDC guidelines including cleaning and disinfecting frequent touchpoints throughout the day such as point of sale terminals at registers, shopping carts, and shopping baskets
- Prohibiting employees who are sick from reporting to work and sending employees home if they display symptoms of COVID-19
- Accommodating employees who fall within a vulnerable population by providing lower-exposure work assignments or giving them the option to take an unpaid leave of absence with a return date coinciding with the end of the declared states of emergency and disaster, or May 21, 2020, whichever is later
- Closing to the public for sufficient time each night to allow stores to be properly sanitized
- Encouraging cash transactions to be processed at self-checkout kiosks where possible
- Daily screening for all staff prior to reporting to workstations
- Employees must answer the following questions:
- Do you have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher
- Cough (excluding chronic cough due to a known medical reason other than COVID-19
- Shortness of breath
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea (excluding diarrhea due to a known medical reason other than COVID-19)
- Have you had any close contact in the last 14 days with someone with a diagnosis of COVID-19?
- Do you have any of the following symptoms:
- Employees must answer the following questions:
- Any affirmative response to screening questions (1) above requires the individual to be excluded:
- For at least 72 hours with no fever (three full days of no fever without use of medicine that reduces fever) and other symptoms have improved (for example, when cough and shortness of breath have improved) and at least seven days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- COVID-19 Positive Test:
- If an employee is identified with a confirmed case of COVID-19:
- Within 24 hours, notify both the local public health department, and any co-workers, contractors, or suppliers who may have come into contact with the employee
- Allow employee to return to the workplace only after they are no longer infectious according to the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”)
- Beyond standard cleaning protocol, clean and disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and equipment known to be impacted by the employee
- If the Harding’s learns that an individual (including a customer or supplier) with a confirmed case of COVID-19 has visited the store, employees will be notified
- If an employee is identified with a confirmed case of COVID-19:
- DSD Vendors: Vendors moving between food-selling establishments must frequently clean and disinfect frequent touch points
MAY 1, 2020 In this rapidly changing environment, we are all taking steps to contain the Covid-19 Pandemic. Health and safety are paramount at this time; following prevention, social distancing and safety measures to help contain the spread of the virus is a necessity for all. We ask for your continued support to ensure the safety of the communities where we live, work and serve. Harding’s Market is committed to the well-being of our associates and customers. We are following CDC recommendations, doing the best we can with the resources available to us. Given the need to protect employees and the public from exposure to COVID-19, we are taking the following steps:
- FACE MASKS: We are requiring our associates and store guests to wear face masks or face coverings while in our stores, unless they have a medical condition which prohibits them from doing so. Face masks have been supplied to all employees.
- Associates who are unable to medically tolerate a mask will provide written documentation.
- All truck drivers and vendors entering our stores will also be required to wear masks
- Customer signage will be posted at the store entrances
- DEDICATED SHOPPING HOURS: We have designated Wednesday and Thursday, 8am-10am, as shopping time for people over 60, pregnant women and those with chronic conditions including heart disease, diabetes and lung disease.
- EXPOSURE REDUCTION: We have implemented strategies to reduce COVID-19 exposure to our customers and employees including:
- Disinfectant products available for sanitizing of carts and baskets and at other appropriate locations
- Access to hand sanitizers for employees, guests and at all registers
- Using best efforts to ensure cashiers disinfect their hands between orders to prevent cross-contamination
- Closing all self-prepared food stations, free samples and tasting stations
- SOCIAL DISTANCING: We are continuing to ensure that employees and guests remain at least 6’ apart to the maximum extent possible.
- Limiting the number of guests in our stores in compliance with occupancy limits
- Installation of safety shield plexiglass dividers at the registers to provide a barrier between customers and cashiers
- Marked queues for store entrances and check lanes in 6’ increments
- Messaging in our stores and on all marketing platforms to encourage best practice distancing
- EMPLOYEE HEALTH: Employees who are sick are prohibited from reporting to work. There is daily screening for all staff prior to reporting to workstations. A process has been put in place for any employee not passing the daily screening.